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Diabetes Management Journal November 2020 References
Sleeve Gastrectomy Safer than Roux-en-Y in Older People
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One hundred and ninety-six hours: a new insulin analogue.
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Metformin in Pregnancy
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p8-12 The Heart’s Performance when Diabetes is the Puppeteer
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p14 – 16 Diabetes Australia Supporting Breakthroughs in Diabetes Research
- 2021 Research guidelines:
- 2021 Grant application download:
- Funded research details:
p21 Do Microbiome Changes Predict Diabetes?
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p23-25 Prediabetes – A Pivotal Moment
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p26 – p28 Reality Check: Indigenous Australians with T2D: Tackling it together
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p32 – p34 Eating Well for Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency
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