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Diabetes Management Journal May 2022 References


An end to pricks?

  1. Martin, S. Painful departure for diabetes testing. https://www.newcastle.edu.au/hippocampus/story/2022/painful-departure-for-diabetes-testing accessed 2 April 2022.

40% remission of new-onset COVID diabetes

  1. Reuters Health. Diabetes linked to COVID-19 'may be temporary'. Specialist Updates Endocrinology. Ausdoc March 8, 2022 https://www.ausdoc.com.au/specialist-update/diabetes-linked-covid19-may-be-temporary
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SGLT2 inhibitors increase DKA risk

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Sleep deprivation increases visceral abdominal fat

  1. Kirkner RM. Sleep Deprivation Sends Fat to the Belly - Medscape - Mar 28, 2022.

Remote management of people with diabetes, within hospital

  1. Cheung NW, Hor A, Hng T-M. The Virtual Inpatient Diabetes Management Service: COVID-19 brings the future to inpatient diabetes management. MJA Letter 216:6, March 10, 2022. doi.org/10.5694/mja2.51456

Psoriatic Arthritis associated with diabetes

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Ultrasound treatment of diabetes: human feasibility trials started

  1. Cotero, V., Graf, J., Miwa, H. et al. Stimulation of the hepatoportal nerve plexus with focused ultrasound restores glucose homoeostasis in diabetic mice, rats and swine. Nat. Biomed. Eng (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41551-022-00870-w

Study: trending harm of inadequate diabetes management

  1. Jedidiah I. Morton, Peter A. Lazzarini, Jonathan E. Shaw, Dianna J. Magliano; Trends in the Incidence of Hospitalization for Major Diabetes-Related Complications in People With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in Australia, 2010–2019. Diabetes Care 1 April 2022; 45 (4): 789–797. https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-2268
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  3. Imai C, Hardie R-A, Thomas J, Wabe N, Georgiou A. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on general practice-based HbA1c monitoring in type 2 diabetes. General Practice Snapshot. Issue 5: 31 March 2021. Sydney: Macquarie University. https://doi.org/10.25949/Q9BE-BJ06


p12-16 Non-insulin medications for diabetes

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  44. Marso SP, Daniels GH, Brown-Frandsen K, Kristensen P, Mann JF, Nauck MA, et al. Liraglutide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2016;375(4):311-22.
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p18 – 20  Diabetes and hearing loss – implications for general practice

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p22-24  Bolus calculator apps – what they are and how to use them

  1. Schmidt, S. and Nørgaard, K. Bolus Calculators. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2014; 8(5), pp.1035-1041.
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  3. Barnard, K, Parkin, C, Young, A, Ashraf, M. Use of an automated bolus calculator reduces fear of hypoglycemia and improves confidence in dosage accuracy in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus treated with multiple daily insulin injections. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 2012 Jan 1;6(1):144-9
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p27-29 Reality Check: De-prescribing medication for T2D

  1. Cucuzzella M, Riley K, Isaacs D. Adapting Medication for Type 2 Diabetes to a Low Carbohydrate Diet. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2021:486.
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p32-34 Diabetes management: What’s carbohydrates got to do with it?

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