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Diabetes Management Journal May 2021 References
Inflammation Reduced After 5% Weight Loss
Montefusco L, D’Addio F, Loretelli, C, Ben Nasr M, Garziano M, Rossi A, Pastore I, Plebani L, Lunati ME, Bolla AM, Porta MD, Piuri G, Rocchio F, Abdelsalam A, Assi E, Barichella M, Maestroni A, Usuelli V, Loreggian L, Muzio F, Zuccotti GV, Cazzola R & Fiorina P. Anti-inflammatory effects of diet and caloric restriction in metabolic syndrome. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, March 8, 2021. PMID: 33686615
CVA Risk Higher in COVID-19
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Diabetic Foot Ulcer Hospitalisations Accelerating in Younger People
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Testosterone and Diabetes Remission
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ß-cells of All Ages Work Together for Islet Resilience
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p14 – 16 COVID-related distress in people with diabetes
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